Richard Pitt
Richard Pitt has practiced homeopathy for over 30 years, initially in the UK and then the United States. He was Director of a homeopathy school in San Francisco for 12 years and involved in homeopathic education and accreditation in North America. He is the author of four homeopathic books and was editor of an online homeopathic journal for 10 years. He has also spent many years travelling the world and worked on a number of homeopathic projects in Africa. He was based in Kenya for five years working on a European Union funded public health project.
Arriving Soon - Available to Order Comparative Materia Medica: Integrating New and Old Remedies (Hardback)
In Stock Therapeutic Guide and Thematic Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicine
In Stock Comparative Materia Medica: Integrating New and Old Remedies (Paperback)
Arriving Soon - Available to Order Essential Natural Health Guide for Travel and Home
Arriving Soon - Available to Order Clinical Therapeutics of Homeopathic Medicine (Hardback)
Arriving Soon - Available to Order Clinical Therapeutics of Homeopathic Medicine (Paperback)