An Educated Decision: One Approach to the Vaccination Problem Using Homeopathy

by Christina J Head

  • An Educated Decision: One Approach to the Vaccination Problem Using Homeopathy
  1. £10.00

Aimed at parents and health practitioners this book gives a good explanation of what Homoeopathy is and how it works and includes remedies that can be used during an infection. The childhood diseases are covered in detail with a look at the side effects of each vaccination, including more information about the MMR and the new C-Strain Meningitis Vaccine, and lots of case histories. There is also a chapter on the immune system and finally the stories of 10 completely unvaccinated children and how they have fared over the years.

  • Author: Christina J Head
  • ISBN: 9780953575800
  • 113 pages
  • Edition: Third
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2004
  • Printed in United Kingdom