Comparative Materia Medica

by Eugenio Candegabe

  • Comparative Materia Medica
  1. £30.00

All English-speaking homoeopaths are aware that some of the most important homeopathic remedies have their origin in Latin America. Because of the barrier of language, far fewer realise to what extent some of the most important work in homoeopathy also comes from that subcontinent.

In this comparative study of thirty-seven remedies, Dr Eugenio Candegabe displays how the materia medica may be reconstructed through the mental symptoms of the repertory, so as to find the remedy whose action most closely corresponds to the dynamic totality of an individual patient's life. These reconstructions are always substantiated in the provings from which the repertory symptoms were originally extracted.

The book is structured around seven principal chapters, each based on a major polychrest. Each chapter opens with a detailed description of the remedy, presenting all the rubrics that may in some way add to its fullest possible image. This is followed by a comprehensive synthesis of the symptomatology, summarising in a schematic diagram those few interrelated rubrics which best define the character of that remedy. These outstanding symptoms - not less than five or more than ten of them - are termed the Minimum Characteristic Syndrome.

Each chapter is completed by a differential analysis of the remedy against numerous other remedies whose own most significant features closely overlap the Minimum Characteristic Syndrome of the polychrest in question. The reader is reminded throughout that the value of symptoms will also be influenced by the miasmatic elements present within the case. This is a rigorous process by which the search for the similimum is simplified and facilitated.

Eugenio Federico Candegabe qualified in medicine at the University of Buenos Aires in 1949. His interest in homoeopathy began as a result of successful homoeopathic treatment of members of his family, and in 1954 he went on to study the subject under his great mentor, Dr Tomas Pablo Paschero, with whom he subsequently worked closely. He was a founding member of the Argentine School of Homoeopathic Medicine in Buenos Aires, serving as Professor of Materia Medica from 1971 until 1986, when he was nominated Emeritus Professor. Dr Candegabe has travelled extensively in Europe and North and South America to teach and lecture on homoeopathy.


  • Author: Eugenio Candegabe
  • ISBN: 9780906584361
  • 330 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 1997
  • Printed in United Kingdom