Constitutional Medicine
Clarke explains the main features of the hydrogenoid, oxygenoid and carbo-nitrogenoid constitutions widely referred to in 19th and early 20th century writings, introduced by the German homeopath von Grauvogl (1811 - 1877).
Table of Contents:
- Introductory
- The Morbid Constitutions According to Various Authors
- The Three Constitutions of von Grauvogl
- The Hydrogenoid Constitution
- Examples of the Hydrogenoid Constitution from von Grauvogl's Practice
- Examples from the Practice of Dr. Bojanus
- The Oxygenoid Constitution
- The Carbo-Nitrogenoid Constitution
- Examples of the Carbo-Nitrogenoid Constitution
- Conclusion
- Author: John Henry Clarke
- ISBN: 9788131907603
- 181 pages
- Paperback
- Printed in India