Drug Muggers

by Suzy Cohen

  • Drug Muggers
  1. £19.00

Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients - and Natural Ways to Restore Them

Prescription drugs help millions of people with diseases and chronic conditions, but in the process these medications can also deplete the body's natural stores of vitamins, minerals, and hormones and cause other serious health issues. Pharmacist Suzy Cohen calls these medications 'drug muggers' and says it's essential to replenish what a drug mugger steals from the body, to understand the side effects of prescription drugs, and to avoid possibly catastrophic health consequences. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 47 per cent of Americans take at least one prescription drug, with 21 percent taking three or more prescription medications. In "Drug Muggers", patients - and their physicians - will learn why the leading medications may cause uncomfortable or seemingly unrelated side effects and how to reduce symptoms by installing a 'nutrient security system' so they won't be adversely affected by drug muggers. Cohen discusses the most important nutrients a person needs and identifies which medications cause deficiencies, then suggests how to counterbalance a drug's 'mugging' effect. She makes recommendations for brand-name supplements and gives easy-to-follow advice to restore balance and good health with over-the-counter vitamins and minerals and food choices.

  • Author: Suzy Cohen
  • ISBN: 9781605294162
  • 384 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2011
  • Printed in United States