Endocrine Glands: Spiritual Power Sources (Volume 7: Organ - Conflict - Cure)

by Rosina Sonnenschmidt

  • Endocrine Glands: Spiritual Power Sources (Volume 7: Organ - Conflict - Cure)
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Volume 7: Organ - Conflict - Cure

With Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Exercises

No organ system has such a close relationship to spirituality as the glands. The individual glands are directly related to the energy centres of the body, the chakras. This holistic appraisal of the system of endocrine glands aims to consider the physical and energetic effectiveness of the glands, appraise their conflicts, and harmonise their ethereal aspects.

The seventh volume of the popular series Organ - Conflict - Cure examines the truly marvellous system of the glands. Rosina Sonnenschmidt presents a completely new view of the deeper functions of the adrenal glands (root of life force), male and female gonads (sacral energy), pancreas (the golden core), the thymus gland (the bigger self), the
thyroid gland (self-expression), and pituitary and pineal glands (regulation of the psychic senses).

There is a very large spectrum of glandular disease – from stress related illness through menstrual disorders to Diabetes type 1 or 2, and thyroid dysfunction through immune weakness to tumours. The physiology of the glands, their conflicts and spiritual influences are discussed here. The author derives healing inspiration from naturopathic treatments, numerous types of exercise, as well as homeopathy. She uses homeopathic preparations of the individual hormones as well as unusual remedies such as Badiaga, Eupionum, X-ray, Ephedra and Lapis albus.

This work conveys highly distilled and original knowledge, offering a veritable cornucopia of suggestions and healing impulses with outstanding potential.

  • Author: Rosina Sonnenschmidt
  • ISBN: 9783955820053
  • 184 pages
  • Hardback
  • Published in 2014
  • Printed in Germany