Gases - Spectrum of Homeopathy 2024/3

by Narayana Verlag

  • Gases - Spectrum of Homeopathy 2024/3
  1. £20.00

Remedy families play an ever-greater role in homeopathic case analysis. They usually correspond to the classifications into the various natural kingdoms familiar from biology and physics. Yet some groups are based on specific common characteristics. Drug remedies are characterised by a similar effect on people, sea remedies share the same habitat, and so on. Gases are defined by their aggregate state at 0o celsius. Lacking a firm shape or structure, they can be compressed or they can expand to fill the entire available space. Their special properties are expressed in homeopathic case taking at the sensation level as a feeling of constriction, compulsion and pressure – or as the opposite, boundless expansion. With a gaseous remedy the typical sensations are related to the position in the periodic table. Gases are found above all in the second row of the periodic table (oxygen, ozone, nitrogen) and in stages seven (halogens) and eight (noble gases). Along with these gaseous elements, this issue also presents compounds such as Phosphorus hydrogenisatus or Ammonium causticum and the path to the selection of such little-known remedies is described along with casetaking.

  • Author: Narayana Verlag
  • ISBN: 9783955822804
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2024
  • Printed in Germany