Homoeopathy and Patterns in the Periodic Table

by Shachindra Joshi, Bhawisha Joshi

  • Homoeopathy and Patterns in the Periodic Table
  1. £63.00

Building on Jan Scholten's work and on the subsequent development of the Sensation Method, Joshi's book examines the themes and patterns of the first three rows of the periodic table and identifies their equivalence in the known themes and patterns of the remedy pictures of the elements. Solidly resting on her observations in clinical practice, this book is a great resource for practitioners wanting to hone their differentiation skills.

The idea of the book:

  • To put together all our ideas and experiences of the past 10 years with Minerals
  • We realized there was so much information to convey that the book needed to be cut into two parts:
  • We have come out with the first part – which covers the first three rows

Bhawisha Joshi is popular for her insight into Noble gases and her extensive work on mineral remedies. In this book, she has put together a complete comprehensive understanding of the periodic table and detailed the picture of elements of Rows 1- 3. Every element has been explored to the utmost detail .Most important of all - the information is put in a reader friendly manner. The cases are well-edited and several tables have been put forth for quick and easy reference. The left and the right side of the periodic table are effectively compared as are individual elements and an entire section is dedicated to salt remedies.


  • Polarity of various kingdoms - The ‘I’ & ‘U’ of Plants , Animals , Minerals , Imponderables & Nosodes
  • Understanding the Rows and Columns
  • Cases of each element of the first three rows - Some new ideas of Phosphorus, Sulphur, Oxygen, Fluoricum, Chlorum
  • Chapter on Noble gases , Halogens and Imponderables
  • Complete section on Salts
  • Table indicating the Successful and Unsuccessful side of single elements
  • Various tables  and differential understandings for quick referrals of Rows, Salts and Noble gases

All put together in a 410 paged soft bound book