Human Anatomy and Physiology (10th Edition) - Global Edition
Setting the Standard for Innovation in A&P Human Anatomy & Physiology has launched the careers of more than three million healthcare professionals. With the newly revised Tenth Edition, Marieb and Hoehn introduce a clear pathway through A&P that helps students and instructors focus on key concepts and make meaningful connections. Each chapter opens with a visual "Chapter Roadmap" that guides students through the material and shows how concepts are related within and across chapters. The new modular organization makes key concepts more readily apparent and understandable to students, and new videos help students see why the content matters in their course as well as their future careers. As students master important concepts and follow a clear path through chapter content, the expanded suite of learning tools in the book and in Mastering A&P ensure they don't get lost along the way. Also Available with Mastering A&P®
This title is also available with Mastering A&P - is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts. Students benefit from self-paced tutorials that feature immediate wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience to help keep students on track. Mastering A&P's wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities encourage students to actively learn and retain tough course concepts. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering A&P, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
- Author: Elaine Marieb, Katja Hoehn
- ISBN: 9781292096971
- 1272 pages
- Edition: Tenth
- Paperback
- Published in 2015
- Printed in Italy