Materia Medica of Nosodes and Sarcodes

by Gaurang Gaikwad

  • Materia Medica of Nosodes and Sarcodes
  1. £68.00


An extensive materia medical of Nosodes and Sarcodes exploring their vast utility. Available in Homeopathy, with clinical experiences and cases.

"Dr Gaurang Gaikwad, the little master of this era in Homoeopathy is a focused, dedicated and a dynamic practitioner of this healing art. He has sharpened his skills by working with the worlds most renowned, Dr Vijay Vaishnav, Dr Sunirmal Sarkar and Dr Rajan Sankaran, and transformed into one of the most inspiring speakers and practitioners of today.

Sarcodes and Nosodes are now becoming a frequent need of today's world due to growing number of lifestyle diseases and many other resistant conditions. But, there seemed to be this big lacuna regarding the literature related to Sarcodes and Nosodes, and Dr Gaurang has highlighted many aspects of these groups of remedies, like the Materia Medica, the Sphere of Action, the Repertorial Approach to look at these remedies and get a complete understanding of every drug. He has also illustrated these remedies with not only his cases but also of all great teachers, which gives this an edge of practical utility of the book.

This book will surely guide the students and the practitioners in not just prescription but also in understanding the depth of all these remedies as explored by Dr Gaurang Gaikwad." - Dr Gajanan Dhanipkar

Dr Gaurang Gaikwad is a true Hybrid of his Gurus, Dr R. Sankaran, Dr Vijay Vaishnav and myself, which is reflected in his writings. The wisdom of all his gurus ... has been well preserved and delivered by him- Dr Sunirmal Sarkar

Many homoeopaths have been asking me the question, “Which book should we read for Nosodes and Sarcodes?” Now, I can finally recommend this extremely informative book which is by far the best book written exhaustively on this subject. Thanks to this great contribution to Homoeopathy by Dr Gaurang Gaikwad, a long existing void has been filled. -Dr Ashok Borkar

"The importance and the value of this book is immense, considering that the author presents us everything about all the Nosodes and Sarcodes in one single book, including the source, toxicological symptoms, keynotes, numerous Repertory Rubrics, clinical tips and indications, case example from Homoeopathic journals and from his own experience, in his way we have not to waste time in searching in different literature.

What could we ask for more?

The only thing that we can do is to be grateful and to thank this young, dynamic Homoeopath for his great work and use the information from his book to the benefit of our patients.

I highly recommend this book, it is a must-have for all homoeopaths!"

- Dr Erzsebet Turos, MD, ICAH Dipl. Homeopath, Cluj, Romania


  • Author: Gaurang Gaikwad
  • ISBN: 9789354076152
  • 278 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2024
  • Printed in India