Materia Poetica

by Sylvia Chatroux

  • Materia Poetica
  1. £24.00

Homeopathy in Verse

Foreword by Nancy Herrick. An aesthetically bound collection of 101 original poems about homeopathic remedies. Tastefully illustrated, it makes an ideal gift or a novel learning tool.

Poem from book:
Hypericum, I've given you
To those with shooting pains
You really have a way with nerves
With injuries you're famed
Consider it for punctures
Where nerves are passing through
It may be used for Tetanus
Preventing it to brew
I find it interesting to note
St. John's wort is now the rage
For depression it is taken
The tincture of our age
Depression follows injury
This is often true
And if the pain shoots up the limb
Hypericum's for you!

  • Author: Sylvia Chatroux
  • ISBN: 9780966552409
  • 184 pages
  • Hardback
  • Published in 1998
  • Printed in United States