Musculo-Skeletal Problems

by Ian Watson

  • Musculo-Skeletal Problems
  1. £10.00

This is more or less a verbatim transcript of a one-day seminar that took place in San Anselmo, California in 1997. I have polished the text just enough to render it readable, without significantly altering the original content in any way. The style, as you will discover, remains colloquial and somewhat free-flowing. I have added a therapeutic index at the back of the book to help the reader locate specific musculo-skeletal problems, and a few other things besides. I've also added some subject headings here and there. I trust the reader will understand that this is not meant to be a comprehensive therapeutics book. It is simply a written record of what emerged on a particular day with a lively and unique audience. I am conscious that many more remedies and conditions could be added, but to do so would destroy the uniqueness of this particular work. It is, I feel, complete in itself.  - Ian Watson Summer 2004

  • Author: Ian Watson
  • ISBN: 9780951765746
  • 106 pages
  • Paperback
  • Printed in United Kingdom