The Link: A Homeopathic Approach to Healing Using the Bowel Nosodes

by Doris Beauchamp

  • The Link: A Homeopathic Approach to Healing Using the Bowel Nosodes
  1. £20.00

The Digestive system has to nurture the body in order to maintain good health. So what is cooking in your kitchen? Are you suffering from dysbiosis? A connection can certainly be made between every dis-ease and an 'imbalance' in the gut flora. This book offers a new and unique homeopathic approach to detoxifying the gut flora by using pathogenic causing bacteria in potency - the Bowel Nosodes! Like the Flower of Life this book links Homoeopathy - the 'Gentle Art of Healing' - with:

  • Bowel Nosodes Iridology - the gentle way of checking the Iris for signs of problems
  • The chakra system - our energy vortexes, balancing / energising the body
  • The Subtle Bodies - the Aura - integrating colours and vibrations
  • The Sarcodes - the hormonal / glandular system - using them as support
  • The Tissue Salts - according to Star Signs and their spiritual significance

Quick reference tables are included, identifying which chakra needs addressing and clearing. This system matches the Bowel Nosodes with constitutional remedies of old, as well as incorporating new ones, connecting all of them to the Chakras!

  • Author: Doris Beauchamp
  • ISBN: 9780955551802
  • 390 pages
  • Edition: Second Revised
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2013
  • Printed in United Kingdom