The Science of Homeopathy

by George Vithoulkas

  • The Science of Homeopathy
  1. £18.00

In The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas has compiled a clear and comprehensive text outlining both the theory and practice of this important medicine.

In Section One, "The Laws and Principles of Cure," Vithoulkas sets forth the principles of electrodynamic energy, the "vital force," predisposition to disease, and the selection of homeopathic remedies.

In Section Two, "Practical Application," he gives a detailed explanation of the methods of diagnosis, and the preparation, administration, and evaluation of homeopathic cures.

Written in clear, concise language, with ample illustrations, references, and case studies, The Science of Homeopathy is an excellent reference for homeopathic physicians and an informative introduction for the interested lay person.