The Trituration Handbook: Into the Heart of Homeopathy

by Anneke Hogeland, Judy Schriebman

  • The Trituration Handbook: Into the Heart of Homeopathy
  1. £17.00

A practical and clear guide explaining the process of trituration, which the authors hope will excite and inspire its readers to experiment with the trituration process. C4 potencies are generating a great deal of interest in the homeopathic community as they follow in the footsteps of Hahnemann's empirical practice of medicine. Moreover, the authors emphasise the personal aspect of trituration, claiming that "doing triturations will not only make you a better homeopath but a better person."

The first publication of its kind - a practical and clear guide to the process of trituration as well as an introductory text to the trituration movement which is taking the homeopathic world by storm. This 'C4 Homeopathy' is a based on hand triturating remedies and triturating to additional higher rounds before making potencies. With examples from homeopaths around the world.

"This is an important book. It is important not so much for the information it contains but rather for the direction it indicates: the direction home, home towards a knowledge which is ours, yet has been forgotten...The process of trituration, so clearly laid out in this book, is a doorway to the study of what might constitute this much needed direct experience; this living relationship between the practitioner and the remedy, in which the reality of the remedy is experienced within, not only as a mental concept." - Jonathan Shore, M.D

When I do triturations I experience an inward turning movement. Every trituration sharpens all our senses and we become more attuned, to ourselves and to others. Triturations deepen our ability to enter into an anamnesis freely and openly. Anamnesis is not just a passive listening to someone's story. In order to understand the deeper message you need to enter into a mutual process with the patient. From triturations you learn to let go of separation issues; I versus you, good versus bad, self versus other. You then enter into the same energetic field with your patient, where everything belongs equally and where everything has value." - Alize Timmerman

"Many of our older provings are unreliable or are partial, so it is very useful to do a trituration of a well-known substance and take this to C4 or beyond to come to a much deeper understanding of a substance." - Susan LaCroix