Prafull Vijayakar
Prafull Vijayakar, the ‘The Lion of Homoeopathy’ and founder of the Predictive Homeopathy methodological approach to our healing art, crossed the threshold on the 17th December 2020. He was 68.
After his medical degree which he took from the Bombay Homoeopathic Medical College, he started his practice in the hospital setting. He soon turned, with heart and soul, to classical homeopathy which he practiced since 1974.
This ‘master of the cure for the incurables’ found no case too difficult to accept and he proved that in seminar after seminar.
Rajan Sankaran first referred to him as the ‘The Lion of Homoeopathy’.
‘Dr. Vijayakar presented “Management of Acute Cases” [during the 15th All India Homoeopathic Scientific Seminar, December 2007, in Rajkot, Gujrat, India], a series of cases with miraculous evidence. If I am not mistaken, it was this seminar where Dr. Rajan Sankaran, a co-speaker of the session, called him “The Lion of Homoeopathy.” The delegates were in such awe that it was difficult for him to come out of [the] auditorium due to being thronged. The beeline of excited students wished to see, ask and simply be near the source of such knowledge and inspiration’.–p. 26 (Dr. Piyush Joshi, Prafull Vijayakar Memorial Book 2021; this 88-page tribute book is published by the Indian Homeopathic Journal, National Journal of Homoeopathy).
His methodology was outlined in a series of books, the first being Predictive Homeopathic Series, Part 1: (The Theory of Suppression). This book explained his (7 layers of suppression) concept of how disease is suppressed and how homeopaths can check their work and alter treatment when necessary. It was awarded the ‘Vidyeshwari Pratishthan Scientist Award’ in 1998. Other books in this series include Part 2: ‘The Theory of Acutes’, Part 3: (The End of Myasmtion of Miasms), Part 4: (Homeopathy and Modern Science) and Part 5: (Verbatim).
It is unknown if Vijayakar knew of or was influenced by similar work conducted by the noted German homeopathic physician Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg (1905–1985) in the middle of the last century. Vijayakar produced a Chart of Suppression which is very similar to Dr. Reckeweg's Table of Homotoxicosis. It can be said, however, that Reckeweg did not follow the classical approach as did Vijayakar.
In 2004, he established his first ‘camp’ called ‘Hope for the Hopeless’ in which he and his medical colleagues offered free consultations to thousands of patients during the 2-week gathering:
‘I have attended a number of the Free Camps called HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS’.
‘At every camp there used to be at [least] 1,000 patients. He was God to the patient's (sic) parents of autistic children. The results at these camps were stunning. People never missed their dates of the quarterly camps. Medicines, too were given free. He was a true legend with a high level of spiritual knowledge, which he blended with scientific solutions! Such people are born once in a century!’–Atyam Ramesh Mohan, (accessed March 2, 2021).
In 2007, he started a camp in Ghatkopar, a suburb of Mumbai. This particular camp became so popular that by 2020 it was serving 2000 to 2500 patients at no charge. At these camps, he assembled several homeopathic doctors and other health-care workers who gave of their talents quite willingly.
Despite being ever busy, he found time to initiate an organisation, ‘Predictive Homoeopathy Women Channel Partner’. Its aim was to support those women practitioners who were struggling during the initial phases of their homeopathic careers.
‘Homeopathy is such a divine science, that it's not we who choose to be homeopaths, but it's homeopathy which chooses us’.–Prafull Vijayakar
Out Of Stock Predictive Homeopathy Part I - Theory of Suppression
In Stock Predictive Homeopathy Part II - Theory of Acutes
In Stock Predictive Homeopathy Part III - The End of Myasmtion of Miasms
In Stock Predictive Homoeopathy: Homoeopathy and Modern Science
Out Of Stock Genetic Materia Medica - Tri-Miasmatic Materia Medica
In Stock Predictive Homeopathy - Verbatim (Workshop 2002)
In Stock Frequent Encounters - Dispositions Series 1
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