Acute Care - Homeopathy for Muscle Injuries

by Donna C Rona

  • Acute Care - Homeopathy for Muscle Injuries
  1. $15.00

There are more than 600 muscles in the human body, and they are subject to a wide variety of injuries. 4.5 million US doctor visits each year are for simple strain and sprain type injuries. At work, muscle injuries account for 4 out of 5 occupational injuries. Almost all athletic activities carry some risk of muscle injuries. Serious trauma from falls and traffic accidents contribute even more muscle injuries. The pain, suffering, limited mobility, lost work and sleepless nights range from annoying to debilitating. Acute Care - Homeopathy for Muscle Injuries presents a brief introduction to homeopathy for acute care and outlines the key remedies used in safe and effective treatment of muscle injuries and accompanying symptoms.

Originally conceived as a series for health care professionals, therapists, and trainers, this Acute Care book series presents homeopathic remedies that are proven to be useful for specific acute situations. Not intended for self diagnosis or treatment, these books give any reader a perspective on the use of homeopathy as part of a treatment plan.

  • Author: Donna C Rona
  • ISBN: 9780557105625
  • 94 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2009
  • Printed in United Kingdom