Autism, Beyond Despair: CEASE Therapy

by Tinus Smits

  • Autism, Beyond Despair: CEASE Therapy
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CEASE stands for Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression. With the help of nutritional support, diet and homeopathy, CEASE Therapy focuses on isotherapy, a form of homeopathy that uses potentized doses of the substance that originally caused the problem. The substance is often a drug, a chemical or a vaccination, which affected the child early in life, and can be detoxed with the isopathic preparation of the same substance. Dr Smits believes that these children are curable, because the initial effect of the substance was not to damage their brain, but to block it. He could be right, with more than 300 cases, and many parents declaring their children 100% cured. Although the therapy "can only be executed by well trained homeopathic practitioners", you will find lots of details and inspiring cases to read in this book.

In this ground breaking work, Dr Tinus Smits reveals the step-by-step method which he has used for more than 300 autistic children. In many cases, the parents have declared their children 100% cured; in others, the process is still underway with significant improvement. His therapy is mainly based on Isotherapy, a form of homeopathy which is able to detect the causes of autism in children and which redresses them directly. He has made remarkable discoveries as to why autism is on the increase. This book is highly important for parents with autistic children and for all those who are involved in the care of these children.
'In the 9 months of your treatment, our son changed from a non verbal to a child that is able to attend a normal school, speaking in full sentences and making contact with everybody. Amazing! The autism team says it's a miracle. Your CEASE therapy is great. Our life has already completely changed. Thanks for all your knowledge.' - Mother of Stephan
After three and a half months of treatment she has become another child. She has woken up, is able to express herself verbally and says what she feels instead of shrieking; she is more flexible, more open and more independent. It is a world of difference.'  - Mother of Dirkje
'Our son Vasco is getting better every day, he speaks more and tries to make conversation with us; at school he's going very well and learns fast. With the detoxification Vasco has made great progress. He's almost "a normal" 5-year-old kid” - Parents of Vasco
'It is as if I am in a second life. It is completely different from before.'  - Siem J, formerly autistic child
  • Author: Tinus Smits
  • ISBN: 9789076189284
  • 184 pages
  • Hardback
  • Published in 2010
  • Printed in Netherlands