CEASE stands for Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression. With the help of nutritional support, diet and homeopathy, CEASE Therapy focuses on isotherapy, a form of homeopathy that uses potentized doses of the substance that originally caused the problem. The substance is often a drug, a chemical or a vaccination, which affected the child early in life, and can be detoxed with the isopathic preparation of the same substance. Dr Smits believes that these children are curable, because the initial effect of the substance was not to damage their brain, but to block it. He could be right, with more than 300 cases, and many parents declaring their children 100% cured. Although the therapy "can only be executed by well trained homeopathic practitioners", you will find lots of details and inspiring cases to read in this book.
In this ground breaking work, Dr Tinus Smits reveals the step-by-step method which he has used for more than 300 autistic children. In many cases, the parents have declared their children 100% cured; in others, the process is still underway with significant improvement. His therapy is mainly based on Isotherapy, a form of homeopathy which is able to detect the causes of autism in children and which redresses them directly. He has made remarkable discoveries as to why autism is on the increase. This book is highly important for parents with autistic children and for all those who are involved in the care of these children.
'In the 9 months of your treatment, our son changed from a non verbal to a child that is able to attend a normal school, speaking in full sentences and making contact with everybody. Amazing! The autism team says it's a miracle. Your CEASE therapy is great. Our life has already completely changed. Thanks for all your knowledge.' - Mother of Stephan
After three and a half months of treatment she has become another child. She has woken up, is able to express herself verbally and says what she feels instead of shrieking; she is more flexible, more open and more independent. It is a world of difference.' - Mother of Dirkje
'Our son Vasco is getting better every day, he speaks more and tries to make conversation with us; at school he's going very well and learns fast. With the detoxification Vasco has made great progress. He's almost "a normal" 5-year-old kid” - Parents of Vasco
'It is as if I am in a second life. It is completely different from before.' - Siem J, formerly autistic child
- Author: Tinus Smits
- ISBN: 9789076189284
- 184 pages
- Hardback
- Published in 2010
- Printed in Netherlands
Reprinted with the permission of The Homoeopathic Links Journal, Volume 23, Summer 2010. Reviewed by David Nortman, Isreal.
Autism: Beyond Despair is best understood as part of the recent burgeoning literature on alternative perspectives on the causes and treatment of autism. It is a sort of manifesto that heralds an integrative approach based largely on isopathic detoxification using ascending potencies, along with the occasional use of supplements and other homeopathic remedies. Both obvious and potential causative factors are considered, including vaccinations, antibiotics and other medications, and major infections to which the child or the mother (during and even prior to pregnancy) have been exposed. According to Smits, in the majority of cases classical homeopathic treatment is not necessary to achieve cure.
Through numerous case reports, Smits builds up a portrait of his systematic clinical approach. He additionally offers substantial clinical evidence and invaluable insights about the links between a wide variety of pharmaceutical and infectious stress factors and the rise in the prevalence of the disease. Weighing in on the debate about autism and vaccination, he concludes that no single chemical in vaccinations causes autism, whereas in some cases even minor medications (such as a nasal spray used by the mother during pregnancy) may be a critical factor in the development of autism. Moreover, even when the disease appears to have been precipitated by a specific factor, most or all past factors need to be detoxified before recovery can take place. Smits takes all of this to mean that autism is best viewed as a multifactorial disease caused by accumulated insults rather than by a single factor.
For the skeptical classical homeopath, Smits' approach has the benefit of being easily verifiable in the clinic: aggravations, a normal occurrence during this process, both implicate the substance in question and indicate that detoxification of that substance has not been completed. Smits claims virtually a 100% success rate through his method, but again the usual caveat about falling into the habit of not finding a precise individualized remedy applies here.
Autism: Beyond Despair is intended for a mixed audience. For parents of autistic children it offers hope and inspiration through numerous cured cases and extensive testimonials. For the professional homeopath the book offers sufficient examples to inspire experimentation with this approach, but perhaps not quite enough to do so with full confidence: homeopaths are called to attend the five-day CEASE (Complete Elimination of Autistic Syndrome Expression) Therapy certification seminar in order to gain sufficient exposure to the method. Given Smits' recent untimely death, it can only be hoped that the teaching he began in this book, which appears not to be a complete exposition of the method, will be continued by his followers both through courses and in print.
Inspiring Homeopathy and Autism: Beyond Despair may be viewed as unconventional within the classical homeopathic world. Regardless, they reveal the original spirit of a restless, searching, and compassionate practitioner who was genuinely committed to the benefit of his patients and betterment of humanity. With Tinus' trek cut short, we owe it to him to consider his legacy and potentially continue in his path.
Reprinted with the permission of The ARH, from 'Homeopathy in Practice' Journal, Autumn 2010 edition. Reviewed by Elizabeth Adalian.
When I was asked to review this book, I was already familiar with Tinus Smits' work on (what he termed) 'post-vaccination syndrome'. I appreciated that this work would inform his approach to autism, ensuring this new treatise would be equally comprehensive and forward thinking.
The initials CEASE' stand for Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression' and form the basis for a short course offered in Holland for homeopaths to learn the 'Smitsonian' protocols, as they have become known. (Very sadly, after reading this book, I learnt that Tinus had passed away. 85 international homeopaths have completed the first course at the time of writing and apparently his team will still operate the course.) In the book, Tinus starts by stating that: ... autism is in my experience a typical cumulative disorder which has to be healed by the elimination of all the causations that have contributed to its development. He goes on to say that he believes childhood vaccinations administered before the age of two are a primary cause of autism. Apart from the 'insult' of vaccinations, he speaks of the toxic 'insult' of medicinal drugs (either taken by the mother in pregnancy or by the child leading up to the onset of autism). Another significant quote is 'most autistic children are curable because their brains are not damaged but blocked'. Convincingly, autism has risen significantly since the drive in vaccinations and prescription drugs for children, as well as drugs administered during the mother's labour. He points out that autism is not a genetic disease because, if it was, numbers could not increase within one generation as rapidly as they have.
Tinus' approach is to target these 'insults' on the time-line and antidote them - there is no fixed way of doing this but I would hierarchise the 'insults' and address them accordingly.' One memorable case refers to a specific nasal spray which the mother had used in pregnancy. When this was antidoted in the child with isotherapy, the child recovered from autism. This is an unusual result, as normally autism does not emanate from one singular cause. In this type of case, a good recommendation is to detoxify the child at birth in order for autism to be averted.
Although Tinus' background is in both naturopathy and classical homeopathy, in his approach to autism he finds the best results with isotherapy (by neutralising all the offending 'insults' as explained above). He also uses 'inspiring homeopathy' which, to my mind, is his greatest contribution to the treatment of children on the autistic spectrum (covering attention deficit disorder and addictions). This involves the use of specific remedies such as Cuprum metallicum, Cuprum cum Carcinocin, Lac maternum, Saccharum officinalis and Vernix caseosa, which he has formulated for different characteristics of these children. These remedies often form a supportive base to address behavioural problems, rather than being the exact simillimum in the case.
The Table of Contents is laid out in a structured way and makes navigating the text quite accessible. Equally, there is a complete glossary of terminology included at the end of the book.
With the author's naturopathic base, he strongly advocates the use of Vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, and fatty acids. He points out that supplements alone do not work, as autism is not a deficiency disease.
Although he says that classical or 'inspiring homeopathy' can be used if necessary once 'causative factors' have been carefully resolved with isotherapy, he points out that 'classical homeopathy alone rarely brings about complete healing'. This is difficult for me to accept, as the root of autism is often, in my experience, laid down before or during the pregnancy (an 'embryonic disruption' if you like). By overlooking this very strategic pointer and cultivating the classical 'soil', I am not convinced that isotherapy takes precedence. I resist a formulaic approach and, in my opinion, patients do not often remember when and what drug was given - however, one can bypass this block by introducing clear-out remedies such as the bowel nosodes, Sulphur, or Thuja. This reluctance removes the creative approach in treating what I perceive as a very 'symbiotic' syndrome.
In conclusion, I would recommend the purchase of this book and the application of the suggested protocols. However, I have one significant proviso: that this approach should only be undertaken within the vital framework of constitutional prescribing. This is the only way one can be assured of lasting and truly transformational results.
Reprinted with the permission of The Society of Homeopaths, from 'The Homeopath' Journal, Winter 2011. Reviewed by Ursula Kraus-Harper.
When Dutch Homeopath Dr Tinus Smits sadly died last year in April, I was one of forty homeopaths from all over the world attending a workshop in his hometown of Waalre near Eindhoven about the CEASE Therapy that he had developed over many years. Tinus Smits came to homeopathy like many of us: through personal experience. His M.D. he added later, after years of studying medicine.
CEASE stands for Complete Elimination of Autism Spectrum Expression - a very ambitious title, conveying what was driving Tinus Smits' work: cure, not just amelioration.
In this book, Tinus Smits shares his path of discovery (Chapter 1); explains the different approaches and components of the therapy including Classical Homeopathy, his own Inspiring Homeopathy, Isotherapy, Nosode Therapy and Organ Therapy (Chapters 2,3), then looks at the genesis of autism (4), and includes a list of possible toxins. Chapter 5 is about detoxification of vaccines: "When we use potentized substances which caused damage, ... the match with the causative factor is perfect.... The primary problem is to find the different causative factors without omitting any of them" (p.53). Although Tinus Smits is known to many for his approach to vaccination damage, vaccination is not the only possible cause that the CEASE therapy addresses.
Two chapters (6 and 7) deal with the two highly recommended supplements during CEASE therapy: vitamin C and fatty acids. Chapter 8 looks at intestinal disorders and diet. So many autistic children have digestive problems, but the CEASE therapy hardly ever involves a prescriptive diet, because "I am not opposed to these dietary interventions, but they are not truly curative, they create a great burden on the parents, and in most cases I have found them unnecessary in most of my autistic patients the digestive system heals within some months without probiotics or changes in diet" (p.78). In dramatic cases, though, a gluten, sugar and dairy-free diet is recommended, preferably after diagnostic tests.
The attraction of this therapy is its relative simplicity. J.B. Handley, co-founder of Generation Rescue (Jenny McCarthy's Autism Organisation in the USA) writes in the foreword: "Dr Smit's approach to treating autism, which this book covers in great detail, stands out among many others for its clarity, simplicity, and, perhaps most importantly, focus on cause."
This book is useful for parents and practitioners alike. Short cases are used throughout to illustrate different aspects, and there are also three chapters with "complete and almost complete cures", with successful case reports by CEASE therapists, and with parents' testimonials. Chapter 12 - What can parents themselves do to help their child? - has a comprehensive list of things parents can do immediately, but it ends "Then make an appointment with a CEASE therapist. ... [as this treatment] needs professional help."
For homeopaths who are treating or would like to treat not only Autism Spectrum patients but also others where the cause is toxicity, this is a must-read book. In my practice I also now use this approach successfully with other patients. To master it, reading the book will not be enough.