Blood Pressure

by N K Banerjee

  • Blood Pressure
  1. Arriving Early August - Available to Order


Etiology and Homeopathic Management

General medical and treatment information plus a mini-repertory.

The publisher:

This book discusses all the aspects from etiology, signs and symptoms, effects on different organs, investigations required and management of hypertension or high blood pressure.

The part dealing with the homeopathic repertory and the remedial treatment on the basis of symptomatology has been written with a great deal of care and deep consideration. The chapter at the end 'Resume of the Therapeutics of Blood Pressure' may be found to be of great advantage to busy practitioners in acute cases.

Hypertension being one of the most common problems of today's lifestyle this book will be a valuable one for the practitioners who get many such patients.

  • Author: N K Banerjee
  • ISBN: 9788131910757
  • 158 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 1997
  • Printed in India (so could be of inferior quality)