Bowel Nosode Materia Medica (2nd Edition)

by Anthony Bickley

  • Bowel Nosode Materia Medica (2nd Edition)
  1. 14.75

The second edition contains new information on Faecalis and Morgan Bach as well as more details on the other bowel nosodes.

Anthony Bickley has written a complete Materia Medica of the bowel nosodes for homoeopaths, based on 40 years of clinical practice.

Please note that the content of this book is also included in 'Bowel Nosodes: A Practice Handbook' together with the content of Anthony Bickley's other two books

'Bowel Nosodes: A Practice Handbook' contains the contents of all three of Anthony Bickley's books, and therefore is better value:

Bowel Nosode Materia Medica (2nd edition),
Repertory of the Bowel Nosodes (2nd edition),
Prescribing the Bowel Nosodes - Potency, Dosage, Frequency of repetition, Therapeutic use of the Bowel Nosodes and prescribing protocols.

  • Author: Anthony Bickley
  • ISBN: 9781973454830
  • 113 pages
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2017
  • Printed in United Kingdom