Classical Homeopathic Lectures: Volume G

by Vassilis Ghegas

  • Classical Homeopathic Lectures: Volume G
  1. $26.50

Preface to Volume G

Over one's life, a person can be injured on several levels: mental, emotional and physical. Traumas at each of these levels will lead to specific consequences, each of which will need different groups of homeopathic remedies:

Emotional trauma: here, we will need the grief remedies such as NAT-M., IGN., PH-AC., etc. These remedies and their essences were treated in previous seminars.
Physical trauma: the remedies we need in physical trauma will be addressed in this seminar in the chapter 'Trauma' according to location and nature.
Mental trauma: this kind of trauma will usually effect the memory, so that the patient will become forgetful. Vassilis began this seminar with the chapter of the remedies which are forgetful.

Furthermore, Vassilis also discusses homeopathic treatment during pregnancy, labor and post partum. This is a very interesting subject for those who treat pregnant patients and who assist deliveries.

In addition to these three main subjects, Vassilis also presents three essences: those of KALI-C., LACH. and TUB.: they are described in a fascinating way.

Fons Vanden Berghe

June 1996

From the Publisher:

When Vassilis Ghegas gave his first lecture at a conference of the "Society of Homeopaths" in England in September 1983, none could have expected that this would be the start of a brilliant, didactic series of lessons which are still continued today.

Vassilis is a master in hierarchical teaching. He discusses all topics that occur in homeopathic practice, but the information he provides is hierarchically structured - not alphabetically. He first gives the information that you will frequently need in practice, and later on, he presents less frequent topics and situations. So, he guides his students through a kind of structured evolution process he has been through himself.

Vassilis uses a central idea when presenting the essence of polychrests. This central idea is found on mental, emotional and physical levels, so that it is of great help in the differential diagnosis (e.g.: ARS.: "tendency to self-preservation"; LACH.: "overstimulation which seeks an outlet"; NUX-V.: "efforts beyond the abilities"; PLAT.: "excessive needs, who seeks for balance" etc.)

This series of books chronologically follows Vassilis' seminars, so that the keen reader can take advantage of this evolution. For that reason, this series is the best written course in Classical Homeopathy. Beginning student homeopaths can - via this series - practically learn how to use Kent's Repertory and Boericke's Materia Medica and also understand the practical application of The Organon and The Chronic Diseases by Hahnemann. Experienced homeopaths can test the established information of this series by their own practice.

George Vithoulkas:
"... As far as I have seen, Vassilis has given a correct presentation of what I have taught him over the years. I think he has produced a very well done and informative series of books which will be of great help to the homeopathic community ..."

George Vithoulkas' comment proves that Vassilis Ghegas has continued the work he started under his supervision at the Athenian School for Homeopathy.

  • Author: Vassilis Ghegas
  • ISBN: 9789074077255
  • 172 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2010
  • Printed in Belgium