Clinical Organon of Medicine (3rd Edition)

by Farokh Master

  • Clinical Organon of Medicine (3rd Edition)
  1. 11.00

Logic and Principles of Homeopathy in Easy and Simple Language

The 'Organon of Medicine' was written hundreds of years ago by Hahnemann in the most comprehensive way. This book by Dr Farokh J Master is written in the most lucid and simplified manner to make present day homeopaths come to terms with the facts told by Hahnemann which were true at his time and now also, as time can not bound the laws of nature and the laws of homeopathy.

It is easy to dispense medicines to a patient but it is indeed difficult to prescribe adhering to the principles laid down by Hahnemann. To improve one's practice, one needs to strictly adhere to the fundamental principles of homeopathy as taught by Hahnemann. Many times when physicians fail to cure, they frequently blame patients or the disease he suffers from rather than his own lack of knowledge regarding case taking, case analysis, poor knowledge of materia medica, assessment of follow-ups, etc. as the cause of the failure.

The purpose of this book is to help a beginner easily follow logic and principles of homeopathy. It is a useful piece of work inspired by the writing of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Hering, Dunham, Guernsey, PP Wells, Andre Saine, George Vithoulkas and Luc de Schepper.

  • Author: Farokh Master
  • ISBN: 9788131910153
  • 457 pages
  • Edition: Third
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2006
  • Printed in India (so could be of inferior quality)