Homeopathic Psychology

by Philip Bailey

  • Homeopathic Psychology
  1. 24.25

Personality Profiles of the Major Constitutional Remedies

This is a most interesting book that combines psychology with homeopathy. Philip Bailey describes in depth the personality profiles of some 35 polychrests. The last pages of the book cover a mix of psychological astrology and homeopathy when he explores the elements and some polychrests. Bailey provides detailed information on 35 major types, giving insight on diagnosis, mental and emotional traits, and physical characteristics. His broad profiles of major constitutional remedies give the reader a good overall picture of the personality type and therefore ways of remembering facts about the archetype, by having a unifying theory for each remedy.

Author Biography:
Dr Bailey studied homeopathy at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and with George Vithoulkas. He has also studied gestalt therapy and has had personal experience of Jungian, Primal and breathwork therapies.

"This book gives insights into the basic nature of many important remedies. It is well-written and accurate. I recommend it to all serious students of homeopathy."
- Roger Morrison, MD, co-founder of the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy and author of Desktop Guide to Keynotes, and Desktop Companion.

"Homeopathic Psychology furthers our understanding of the psychology of the major homeopathic remedies. Dr Bailey explains well our existing knowledge of the remedies and broadens our understanding of them, providing numerous highly original observations. His descriptions of the psychogenesis and psychodynamics of the remedies is engrossing." - George Guess, MD, DHt, Editor 'Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy'.

"Dr Philip Bailey's penetrating discussion of thirty-five different remedies carries the stamp of clinical authority and scholarship. His introductory chapter provides a number of clinical pearls with regard to history-taking. The book offers a unique elemental analysis of constitutional types showing how homeopathy and other medical systems may one day be linked.  'Homeopathic Psychology' is an important addition to the dialogue between homeopathy and psychiatry." - Jonathan Davidson, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Duke University School of Medicine.

  • Author: Philip Bailey
  • ISBN: 9781556430992
  • 417 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 1995
  • Printed in United States