Homeopathy and Cancer Seminar Notes

by Robin Murphy

  • Homeopathy and Cancer Seminar Notes
  1. $104.00

The Philosophy and Clinical Experiences of A H Grimmer

Homeopathic Research Project 1979 - National College of Naturopathic Medicine

A summary and evaluation of findings of the famous cancer specialist Arthur Grimmer. Includes case taking procedures, research and an extensive materia medica of cancer remedies.

Information reviewed on homeopathic diagnosis and prognosis, intercurrent medicines, repetition of doses, treating different layers of a patient's illness, supportive treatments, and the removal of "obstacles to cure". discusses theories on the etiology of cancer and includes sample cases with analysis and discussion of various homeopathic remedies.


  • Author: Robin Murphy
  • 368 pages
  • Spiral Bound
  • Published in 2010
  • Printed in United States