Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Sarcodes

by Chaturbhuja Nayak, Syed Asfar Ali, Smita Brahmachari

  • Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Sarcodes
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The study of sarcodes is one of the most grey areas of homeopathic Materia Medica, which has not yet been thoroughly explored. Most of the sarcodes are not proved as per standard guidelines of Dr Hahnemann nor majority of them been clinically verified. On scrutiny of the available literature on sarcodes, a lot of differences and contradictions are witnessed which lead to confusion in the minds of the readers, particularly in respect to their sources, preparation, clinical applicability, effective potencies and doses etc., There is no clarity whether sarcodes should be earmarked as a separate class or mentioned under the domain of 'animal kingdom'. Moreover the signs and symptoms of each sarcode are not documented uniformly in different homoeopathic Materia Medicas, which naturally confounds the readers.

The authors of this book have presented the profile of each sarcode in a schematic manner, focusing on its background, source, preparation, proving, sphere of action, applicable clinical conditions, characteristic features, symptomatology, suitable dose and potency, comparable medicines and experiences of the reputed clinicians with the particular sarcode. By giving detailed references of each sarcode, the authors have paved the way for verification of the information given on each sarcode, by the readers. This book will be immensely helpful to the clinicians, teachers, students as well as researchers and facilitate the writers to explore in future the areas still unexplored.