Homoeopathic Sketches of Children's Types

by Catherine Coulter

  • Homoeopathic Sketches of Children's Types
  1. $31.00

Catherine Coulter, a well known authority on homeopathic Materia Medica, has been a major influence in introducing the homeopathic archetypes to the general public. In Homoeopathic Sketches of Children's Types, the author explores the homeopathic body-mind typology of children from infancy through adolescence. In these perceptive, beautifully written descriptions, parents will delight to recognize their children's personality types and learn how the remedies can assist a child to achieve his or her fullest potential.

Remedies covered:
Calc Carb, Belladonna, Sulphur, Graphites, Natrum-mur, Sepia, Phosphorous, Pulsatilla, Tuberculinum, Chamomilla, Arsenicum, Argentum-nit, Lachesis, Medorrhinum, Lycopodium, Causticum, Thuja, Stramonium, Silicea, Baryta-carb, Nux-vomica, Ignatia, Carcinosin.
  • Author: Catherine Coulter
  • ISBN: 9780971308268
  • 184 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2001
  • Printed in United States