Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Cancer from the Masters of Homoeopathy

by John Henry Clarke, Maurice Fortier-Bernoville, A H Grimmer, R T Cooper

  • Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Cancer from the Masters of Homoeopathy
  1. Arriving Early August - Available to Order


The literature of the past writers on the subject of Cancer was previously available in several separate publications.  This work brings these together in one book. Dr H S Tiwary has collected the following research work and case studies together as follows:

  • Therapeutics of Cancer by J H Clarke
  • Homoeopathic Treatment of Cancer by M Fortier-Bernoville
  • Cancer articles by A H Grimmer
  • Cancer and Cancer Symptoms by R T Cooper

Each section begins with an introduction by the editor which is an effort to introduce the authors and their nature of work to the reader in the simplest way possible.

The concept of Arborivital doses introduced by Dr Cooper has also been given for study.