Homoeopathy at Wellie Level: A Simple Farm Materia Medica

by Chris Lees

  • Homoeopathy at Wellie Level: A Simple Farm Materia Medica
  1. 14.75

The perfect addition to the HAWL series - a Materia Medica to go with your Repertory! The remedies are listed alphabetically and set out clearly with the following parts:

  • The Body
  • Affinities
  • Mentality
  • Modality
  • Possible uses
  • Keynote symptoms
  • Case notes

On every page is an amusing diagram illustrating the remedy keynotes so you won't forget them in a hurry! From Aconite to Urtica Urens. this brilliant little Materia Medica is packed full of useful information and the wisdom of countless vets and homeopaths.

  • Author: Chris Lees
  • Paperback
  • Printed in United Kingdom