Impossible Cure

by Amy Lansky

  • Impossible Cure
  1. $19.50

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy provides an in-depth and exciting account of the history, philosophy, science, and experience of homeopathic medicine. At the core of Impossible Cure is the amazing story of how the author's son was cured of autism with homeopathy. It also includes dozens of other testimonials of homeopathic cures for a variety of physical, mental, and emotional conditions.

Impossible Cure will serve as an invaluable guide to anyone interested in learning more about this intriguing form of health care.

Reviewers have described Impossible Cure as one of the most comprehensive and reader-friendly books about homeopathy -- perfect for patient education and as a text for first-year students.

The book includes:

Dozens of first-person testimonials of homeopathic cures for a variety of physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Among these is the amazing story of how the author's son was cured of autism with homeopathy.

A comprehensive introduction to homeopathic philosophy. This includes a discussion of the Law of Similars, remedy provings, suppression, susceptibility, the law of cure, totality of symptoms, individualization of treatment, the center of the case, and prioritization of symptoms.

A step-by-step guide for patients, including: how to find a homeopath; preparing for appointments and follow-ups; what to expect during a homeopathic interview; dosing; antidoting; and interactions with allopathic treatment. The issue of vaccination is also addressed - especially its relationship to autism and other chronic diseases.

A thorough account of the history and development of homeopathy. This includes: the life of Samuel Hahnemann and his development of various potencies and dosing methods; the history of homeopathy in America; a description of techniques related to classical homeopathy; and the current legal status of homeopathic practice in America.

An extensive chapter on scientific trials of homeopathy, as well as a discussion of possible explanations for the action of remedies within the relams of complexity and chaos theory and biophysics. The book also includes a unique description of homeopathic models of remedy action.

  • Author: Amy Lansky
  • ISBN: 9780972751407
  • 302 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2003
  • Printed in United States