Invertebrates in Homeopathy

by Ghanshyam Kalathia

  • Invertebrates in Homeopathy
  1. 63.00

Understanding invertebrates from homoeopathic perspective is a cumbersome task due to two reasons: one, the vastness, variability and diversity of these creatures; and two, the paucity of literature available on them in the arena of homoeopathy. Though the idea of kingdom analysis and differentiation was originated by Boenninghausen, Roberts and Farrington, it has been successfully carried forward by doctors Rajan Sankaran, Jan Scholten, Nancy Herrick, Massimo Mangialavori, Jo Evans and Paul Theriault through their writings in books and articles and presentations in seminars.

The book Invertebrates in Homeopathy is a compilation of information about invertebrates from the internet, provings and clinical experiences. The book has 12 chapters, with the first chapter having general themes and concepts of invertebrate group. In the next each 11 chapters, the author has written about the general information on phylum, list of homoeopathic remedies prepared from that phylum, general theme of the phylum, Materia medica of the remedies and cases treated successfully with remedies from that phylum. This book contains description of 11 phyla and 50 remedies according to orders of phyla.

Dr Kalathia has attempted to delve deep into the world of invertebrates to incorporate the taxonomy and evolution of these creatures and tried to relate them with human development level. For example, Porifera, he says, needs total care and support like foetus in the womb while ctenophores and cnidarians are sensitive and reactive as if they have just emerged from the womb and need support like a baby.

The book takes us to the realm of invertebrates, the rather unexplored area, for which the author deserves appreciation. 

  • Author: Ghanshyam Kalathia
  • ISBN: 99331000058
  • 293 pages
  • Hardback
  • Published in 2021
  • Printed in India (so could be of inferior quality)