Materia Medica Pura (2 Volumes)

by Samuel Hahnemann

  • Materia Medica Pura (2 Volumes)
  1. $29.25

The Materia Medica Pura, needs no introduction. It is Dr Samuel Hahnemann's magnum opus. It is the source book of all subsequent materia medicas. It contains the original provings conducted by Dr Hahnemann on himself and his patients.

All the symptoms are given in the language of the prover. It has an exhaustive symptom list. The study of the Materia Medica Pura is a very important part of the study of homoeopathy. Here, the reader can go back to the origin of the symptom in the prover. Since the language of this book is the language of the prover, there is no scope for any erroneous interpretations. Everything written by Dr Hahnemann is of historical importance and the same applies to this book also. It is the first ever recorded materia medica in the world. A wealth of knowledge can be gleaned by it, if one studies it seriously.

R.E. Dudgeon, translator. Symptoms of 67 remedies from provings and poisonings. Contains annotations by Dr Richard Hughes about the actual circumstances under which the symptoms were observed. Includes Hahnemann's notes on the history, main features and preparation of each remedy.

  • Author: Samuel Hahnemann
  • ISBN: 9788131902158
  • 718 pages
  • Hardback
  • Printed in India (so could be of inferior quality)