Medicine Flows: Homoeopathic Philosophy

by Mo Morrish

  • Medicine Flows: Homoeopathic Philosophy

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Medicine Flows discusses all of the major themes of homoeopathic philosophy from Mo's understanding with reference to the Masters. Most notable of these is Samuel Hahnemann; his Organon of the Medical Art and The Chronic Diseases. Through his discussion Mo encourages the reader to 'make their own experience' and decide, after all that has been written over hundreds of years, precisely what the philosophy of homoeopathy means to them.

The book is arranged in five parts; The World, The Human, Disease, The Homoeopath, The Medicines

Foreword by Ian Watson: Behind every discipline lies a set of core ideas and assumptions which the practitioner must assimilate and digest before he or she can fully embody their chosen vocation, and homoeopathy is no exception. There is a gulf between learning homoeopathy and actually becoming a homoeopath, a process which requires the individual to perceive the world from a standpoint that is uniquely 'homoeopathic'. The challenge every new practitioner faces is that of translating their homoeopathic understanding into a way of practising that is appropriate to their individual nature, faithful to homoeopathy's philosophical roots, and relevant to modern times. This is no easy task, and there are many who stumble between the cracks that seem to open up between theory and practice. Mo brings a fresh perspective to Hahnemann's legacy that will enrich and deepen the understanding of the student and practitioner alike. Weaving together the wisdom of Taoist philosophy with the findings of quantum mechanics and the penetrating light of Hahnemann, Mo provides a twenty-first century rendering of the timeless principles on which successful homoeopathic practice is based. Whilst this book arose out of Mo's personal struggle to reconcile theoretical learning with the all too harsh reality of earning a living as a homoeopath, its message is a timely reminder to all of us. To practise authentically, we have to be willing to think for ourselves and have the courage of our own convictions, not someone else's. I can think of no better way to honour the spirit of Hahnemann's magnificent gift to humanity.

Who is it for? Primarily, 'Medicine Flows: Homoeopathic Philosophy' has been written for the homoeopathic student where Philosophy and Principles are key building blocks for their future understanding of homoeopathic practice. It is not intended to be a 'one stop shop', or a comprehensive overview of everything that has ever been written. What it is is a concise and thought provoking book which will prove to be invaluable to student and teachers alike

  • Author: Mo Morrish
  • ISBN: 9780955266201
  • 125 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2006
  • Printed in United Kingdom