The Noble Gases
Jeremy Sherr has been researching and writing about the Noble gases since 1993 and in his own words "Helium is the gateway to the seven noble gases. The noble gases are the key to understanding the periodic table. The elements of the periodic table are the building blocks of the universe. I therefore embarked on an investigation of the Noble gases towards a deeper understanding of health, disease and our entire materia medica. The journey began in 1993 with the proving of Neon. I followed in 1995 with the Helium, and 1997 gave birth to both Krypton and Argon. My friend and colleague Silvie Gowen later proved Xenon and Radon. Thus the six noble samurai are near completed, missing only the seventh and most elusive ‘Element 118’. These collective provings form a family of remedies, grouped together not only by their unique placement in the periodic chart and consequent proving symptoms. It is this family that I have set out to examine, based not on speculation but on the correct homoeopathic sequence of provings followed by perception followed by clinical cases.
Neon is the second book in the Noble Gas series by Jeremy Sherr. Continuing the journey that began with Helium (Saltire Books, 2013), Jeremy leads the reader further down the periodic spiral. Using the detailed symptoms of his Neon proving as a base, Jeremy draws on biology, geometry, astronomy, physics, metaphysics, analogy, poetry, movie, myth and the Bible to explore the deeper aspects of Neon and the second period.
He continues the profound and revolutionary line of inquiry from the Helium book, delving into Neon's revelations about the universe, the evolution of the soul and the development of our selves. Beginning with the study of the element and its physical affinities, the book takes us through the symptom generalities, emotional essence, geometrical structure, spatial dimensions and spiritual aspects of Neon, and its relationship to the origins of Psora.
- Author: Jeremy Sherr
- ISBN: 9781908127075
- 228 pages
- Hardback
- Published in 2016
- Printed in United Kingdom
Reprinted with the permission of The Society of Homeopaths, (from 'The Homeopath' Journal, Winter 2017 edition). Reviewed by Raphael Neu.
This new book of the Noble gases series, presents a new standard of Materia Medica as well as being a demonstration of how to convert a proving to MM: possibly it should be 'MMM' - Multidimensional Materia Medica. Sherr starts off with the analysis and synthesis of Neon-proving, going neatly from physical affinities through generalities and emotions to the main themes and a range of totalities of Neon; to name a few, sensation, function and structure.
But that is only the very beginning. Next come annotated Neon cases collected from around the globe, then a thorough differential diagnosis of Neon compared with remedies such as Helium (the previous book in the series), Ozone, Iridium, Polaris, Oncor-t and others, contrasting Neon with insights into the heart of those remedies based on their proving information. Sherr then takes off to create a multidimensional view of Neon by opening vistas to encompass the remedy, presenting (proving-based) points of view of Neon ranging from miasms to the periodic table and to the bible, dimensions and quantum physics through Cabala all the way to the stars that conceived Neon and beyond: really beyond. Neon is made further multidimensional by the poetry, citations and illustrations that constantly support the ideas presented.
The levels of perception of Neon are highlighted by the chapter names that use ascending potencies going all the way from Neon 12C to Neon CM while the level of analogy of symptom interpretation is matched to the corresponding chapter.
Some of the chapters towards the end (further than CM) will call for your concentration, being very logical as well as analogic, but then the clarify and economy of the text supported by the straightforward illustrations will have you said through.
Full of analogies in a true homeopathic spirit, and beautifully creative in suggesting possible connections between inspiring realms, all through the lens of Neon, this is a highly-recommended, practical and inspiring read for the serious student of MM, seeking a window on to the world of the noble gases, a solid understanding of the relation of remedies in first and second rows of the periodic table, as well as insight into the Psoric miasm.
While soaring to inspiring realms Sherr keeps his feet firmly grounded in the proving language of Neon so strap on your seat belts and enjoy this new Multidimensional proving experience.
Additional Review (from the Publishers Website):
Reading Neon is like being sat in a classroom with Jeremy, which is always an inspiring and welcoming experience. The differentiation between other remedies in the text gives insights into far more than just Neon, and the book is laid out that one can access the simple information about the remedy well, or choose to get far more value for money and awareness of the world of Neon, and indeed the world around us. One of the things that I find wonderful about the teachings Jeremy gives is the way he draws connections from many and varied points of view, philosophical sources and medical paradigms and the book, indeed this series of books, are all the richer for it.
Em Colley MARH RHom BSc(Hons) Psychology and Neuroscience
Practitioner of Classical Homeopathy