On Fistula and Its Radical Cure by Medicines

by James Compton Burnett

  • On Fistula and Its Radical Cure by Medicines
  1. 5.00

A collection of case records and observations by the 19th century homeopathic doctor Burnett. Includes discussion of suppression with surgical and manipulative treatment and a range of types of anal and recto-vaginal fistulas.

A small work from Dr Burnett's experience on management of fistula and abscess and its homeopathic treatment. Also included some case reports for easy grasp of the subject. The book teaches a valuable lesson in the treatment of fistula by practicing right homeopathy and cancelling out on surgical operations and other ordinary practices.

  • Author: James Compton Burnett
  • ISBN: 9788180560507
  • 106 pages
  • Paperback
  • Printed in India (so could be of inferior quality)