Organon Philosophy Workbook

by Robin Murphy

  • Organon Philosophy Workbook
  1. 54.50

The 6th edition of the Organon of the Healing Art by Samuel Hahnemann. The handouts for the recordings are included in this workbook.

  • Reflections on Health and Healing, Internal Alchemy
  • Philosophy of Classical Homeopathy
  • Organon Commentary, LM and Water Potencies
  • Vitality Case Analysis, Mistakes in Prescribing
  • Designing a New Repertory, Homeopathy Charts
  • Hidden Treasures of the Organon
  • The Organon of the Healing Art, 6th Edition
  • Author: Robin Murphy
  • ISBN: 2345672345672
  • 343 pages
  • Spiral Bound
  • Published in 1994
  • Printed in United States