Phenomena and Facets

by Rajesh Shah

  • Phenomena and Facets
  1. 12.25

The book is a homeopathic approach explained by an astute, innovative and enthusiastic practitioner and researcher with an impressive record of more than 30 years of therapeutic success and working incessantly on discovering new drugs. One can experience and appreciate the author’s enormous vigour, fierce courage and scrutinizing spirit in the field of Homoeopathy.

  • Phenomena, Facets and Psychosomatism explained and useful to old and new practitioners
  • The book explains in detail how to elicit phenomena and the facets i.e., framing patients words into rubrics.
  • Case illustrations and overview of 30 cases given
  • Concept of facets and phenomenology applied to repertorial study and suggested repertorial additions
  • Clinical use of Zizia in respiratory illness.

Rajesh Shah’s new book is a truly unique and practical textbook that can and will be useful to both new and highly experienced homeopaths. The concept of “facets” is actually essential to good homeopathic prescribing because it helps us understand that a symptom is a facet of a person, but just as a gemstone has many facets, a homeopath must utilize many facets (or symptoms) of a patient to find a homeopathic medicine that will create a curative response. The important and different contribution that Rajesh makes in this book is a strategy that finds concurrent or combined symptoms that a person is experiencing to find a rubric in a repertory that will have a limited number of remedies, thereby enabling the homeopath to zero in on the potential simillimum. By presenting many detailed cases, Shah shows how his strategy can improve the accuracy of prescribing homeopathic medicines. Rajesh Shah has a history of innovation in homeopathy while still honouring the classical traditions of the science and art of this sophisticated system of healing. - Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH

  • Author: Rajesh Shah
  • ISBN: 9788131944486
  • 306 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2017
  • Printed in India