Signatures, Miasms, Aids

by Misha Norland

  • Signatures, Miasms, Aids
  1. $21.00

Spiritual Aspects of Homeopathy

Misha's depth of understanding and philosophical outlook shine through in this wonderfully fascinating book full of original thought and unforgettable remedy signatures.

Signatures, Miasms, AIDS shows how a deeper knowledge of two key concepts, miasms and the doctrine of signatures, can enrich our understanding of remedies and the diseased states we encounter in our patients. It also helps bridge the gap between spiritual and scientific world views.

The book examines the historical and alchemical background of healing.
A well practiced, clear and concise model for potency selection is included.
New light is cast on Hahnemann's original three miasms, while Tubercular, Cancer and AIDS miasms are examined in depth.
New information is included from the extensive provings of the AIDS nosode and the frequently used remedy, Falco peregrinus.

Misha Norland is my dear friend and valued colleague for over two decades. He has a solid foundation in classical homeopathy, both in its philosophy and practice. Yet, he has the openness and creativity to explore new avenues and latest advances.
Dr Rajan Sankaran, Homeopath, Author

For more than twenty years Misha has been a central figure in our world of homeopathy, and rightly so. He's a wonderful blend of a seeker's yearning to understand this world in great depth and a practical dynamo who makes things happen.
David Warkentin, Founding Director, Kent homeopathic Associates

I have known Misha for nearly 30 years. His dedication to the Art and Spirit of homeopathy is manifest through his wonderful teachings and collaborations on both sides of the Atlantic. His courses are renowned for their excellence in homeopathic learning the world over.
Miranda Castro FSHom, Homeopath, Author, Educator

  • Author: Misha Norland
  • ISBN: 9780954476601
  • 229 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2003,2009
  • Printed in United Kingdom