The Art of Case Taking: Selected Extracts from the Writings of Pierre Schmidt

by Pierre Schmidt

  • The Art of Case Taking: Selected Extracts from the Writings of Pierre Schmidt

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The entire homoeopathic methodology, the whole monumental and magical action of healing the sick comes down to two things: obtaining from the patient the clearest, most complete knowledge of his condition, and knowing how to use that knowledge properly. That is the whole of homoeopathy. The task is Herculean.

Pierre Schmidt shows us how to perform it with Euclidean elegance and ease, going right to the core of the whole matter. And he makes it look easy, without ever cutting corners, or flouting the established protocol of repertorising and prescribing. These extracts from his teachings do just that, and we publish them to honour his memory.

The present translation by Alain Naud is the only one which has been approved and authorised by the Fondation Homoopathique Pierre Schmidt. It accurately conforms to the original French text of Pierre Schmidts lectures published in the Cahiers Hahnemanniens de Lyon by Jacques Baur, the indefatigable spokesman of Pierre Schmidt and of classical homoeopathy.

  • Author: Pierre Schmidt
  • ISBN: 9789076189345
  • 151 pages
  • Hardback
  • Published in 2011
  • Printed in The Netherlands