The Poisoned Well

by Maria Jevtic

  • The Poisoned Well
  1. 14.50

Discovering the Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus of 21st Century Disease

In this sequel to "From Cave to Computer", the author presents a surprisingly alternative view of chronic disease. Newly emerging conditions of the mind such as ADHD, OCD and autism, and also modern phenomena of the body such as MRSA and multiple allergies are put under the spotlight and interpreted using homeopathic principles such as the genus epidemicus and the vital force. As the author gradually broadens the perspective of the observer, a clear vision presents itself allowing the reader to grasp the fateful purpose of 21st century chronic disease. The vital force is taking desperate measures to save its favourite vessel. Curiously, a new hope emerges...

"Maria continues exploring the fundamental question of why we are ill, and what our universal intelligent vital force is telling humanity through the symbols of modern conditions. Original and important, another magic effort." - Geoff Johnson, RSHom, VetFFHom

"The Poisoned Well" gets you thinking about many of the deeper issues of human evolution from homeopathic and philosophical perspectives." - Misha Norland

  • Author: Maria Jevtic
  • ISBN: 9781874581734
  • 208 pages
  • Paperback
  • Printed in United Kingdom