The System of Homoeopathy

by Rajan Sankaran

  • The System of Homoeopathy
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This book is the fourth in the series of books published by Dr Rajan Sankaran after the "Spirit of Homoeopathy" and "Substance of Homoeopathy" wherein he explained his understanding of Homoeopathic principles and his approach to case taking and prescribing.

This current book explains, in detail, his methods of case taking and analysis as evolved over the years in his practice. A large number of case studies presented with actual interview records, detailed case analysis and basis of remedy selection make this book very absorbing. The follow-up seeks to demonstrate actual response.

To appreciate his system we have to keep in mind, without prejudice, his concepts of disease and other approaches as explained by him. Briefly discussed in Chapter I they are:

  1. The disease is central disturbance which affects first the mental and general plane and then the organs. This is what has to be treated, if peripheral disturbances are to cease to exist.
  2. The mental disposition, not merely mental symptoms, is more important; it is not discrete or separate but connected by a situation.
  3. Disease are a posture adopted by the organism for which a particular posture was adopted no longer exists. Hence disease is a delusion ie a false perception of reality. The state of being of a person can stem from a situation or delusion. To remove the state one must remove the delusion.
  4. In children there is a striking resemblance of the state of the infant and that of the mother during her pregnancy and sometimes of the father.
  5. There are four stages of the disease: a) The delusion or the main feeling. b) Coping as the intensity increases. c) Failed stage when the person is unable to cope though trying his best. d) Given up stage, where the person makes no further effort to cope. In (a) the feeling are uncompensated.
  6. Awareness of the reality is cure and health is freedom.
  7. Many of the symptoms of the patient may be in the compensated form (covering up by an act of will) and symptoms of the uncompensated state are essential to understand the state of the patient and prescribe. In dreams, the feelings expressed are raw and uncompensated; therefore they are often the key to understanding the patient and his delusion.
  8. Each remedy is a state of being.
  9. The delusion are also analysed in terms of the miasms. Apart from three basic miasms of Hahnemann, Dr Rajan had introduced in - between miasms like Typhoid, Sub-acute, Ringworm. Malaria, Cancer and Leprosy, with their corresponding remedies and nosodes. This approach enables better understanding of the case, while helping narrow the choice of the remedy.

After discussing the evolution of his system in the first chapter, he presents 25 case studies. Documentation of the whole interview, a detailed case analysis, the major points in the case including the central disturbance, delusion miasm, remedy kingdom, the reportorial rubrics and the final remedy selection with the follow-up, allowing proper assessment of remedy action leading to cure or relief, are presented in each case. These assorted and chronic cases (except one acute) facilitate understanding of his methods of case taking, value addition and final selection. Appropriate footnotes aid this process. At the end of these 25 cases, the reader is fairly familiarized with the concepts. Then follows chapter 27 titled " the system" - a packed 48 pages - in which he discusses in detail the concepts of case taking and case analysis. Thereafter ten more cases are presented.

Please Note:- We hold the work of Rajan Sankaran in high regard and want to make as many of these important books available to our customers as is possible. Despite their cost, these books are supplied directly from India, and do not necessarily come to us in the best external condition. We apologise if this is the case, but the condition is outside of our control.

  • Author: Rajan Sankaran
  • ISBN: 9788190110310
  • 488 pages
  • Hardback
  • Printed in India (Inferior Quality)