The Wolf: A Mythological and Comparative Study

by David Lilley

  • The Wolf: A Mythological and Comparative Study
  1. $39.75

Ancient texts document the hatred of Cain for his brother Abel and relate how Cain callously slew his innocent brother. This fratricidal act has been perpetrated by Homo sapiens against Canis lupus over thousands of years.

Human and wolf are psychic siblings: rival apex predators in the late Pleistocene; both intelligent, family orientated and highly socialised creatures. While decadent, rapacious humanity has become an infestation on the surface of planet Earth, the wolf is immaculate: all that we once were - all that we should be - all that we must become!

All that is odious, iniquitous and malicious in the human archetype is repressed into the Shadow of the collective human unconscious and projected upon the despised scapegoat of humanity - the wolf - making it the very embodiment of evil and malevolence. Homeopathic wolf's milk, Lac lupinum, bears the impress not only of the wolf's suffering at the hands of humanity, but also the mythical and projected visions of the wolf built into the human unconscious, ensuring a remedy of uncommon scope and power for the healing of the human soul.

About the author:
Dr David Lilley was born in Leeds in 1940, the son of a homeopath and his family emigrated to South Africa in 1949. He studied medicine at the University of Pretoria and after qualifying spent 3 years at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and the London College of Osteopathy. He studied under Drs Blackie, Twentyman, Raeside, Kennedy and Foubister.

After obtaining his MFHom David returned to South Africa and joined his father in a practice in 1966. He has been in an exclusively homeopathic and osteopathic practice for the past 41 years. In 1994 he started the first homeopathic course for medical doctors in South Africa. This course has now evolved into the SA Faculty of Homeopathy, of which he is the Director of Education.

In recent years he has been in demand as a visiting lecturer in the UK and further afield. In his lectures he weaves together homeopathic art and science, analytical psychology, mythology, chakra and colour theory, natural science and spiritual philosophy to provide a rich tapestry of perennial wisdom and knowledge.

He has been described as an "inspiring teacher with an incredible in-depth knowledge of the remedies who also shares many practical tips on the management of acute illnesses".

The Wolf is David's second book following Healing The Soul Volume 1 (2014).

  • Author: David Lilley
  • ISBN: 9781908127297
  • 368 pages
  • Paperback
  • Published in 2017
  • Printed in United Kingdom