Therapeutics of Veterinary Homeopathy

by B P Madrewar, Matthew Glencross

  • Therapeutics of Veterinary Homeopathy
  1. $16.00

From the Publisher:

We all know that homeopathy is being effectively practised for human being for ages, but through this book the author has mentioned the brilliant cures affected on the animals with homeopathic remedies by many veterinarians. The author has attempted to use these remedies as they are easy to administer, has no side effects and has the ability to cure all curable diseases of dumb animals. Some incurable diseases like sequelae of foot and mouth disease, alveolar emphysema etc, also found their cure with homeopathic remedies. The practical and authentic information in the book was gathered by years of experiences of various veterinarians along with the author. This book will solve the twin purpose of quickly initiating the beginners into homeopathy and to kindle in them the passion for further study of its scope in veterinary practice.

Dr B P Madrewar is the source of knowledge and information to the budding veterinarians. He has the experience of about 47 years in this field. He has authored 15 books on homeopathy and alternative system of veterinary medicines of which 3 are in English and the rest are in Hindi and Marathi. He is also running a magazine in Marathi on the alternative system of veterinary medicines. Presently he is practising in his own veterinary polyclinic in Nanded, Maharashtra.